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about ratman




We've always loved making small experimental games in our free time, and through ratman, we hope to publish bigger and more ambitious standalone projects jam-packed with tons of content, exciting gameplay and vibrant artwork!

ratman is a small development team  established in 2019 by close friends.

in the beginning, there was scratch...

Me (gas), our 3D modeler (Craity), and our composer (Eribetra), all started on Scratch roughly half a decade ago... Which makes it sound longer than it actually was, but it was a pretty long time ago!

We started our game dev journey on Scratch and cultivated a passion for making games. All of us combined made many, many, many experiments, but obviously none of them were anything that substantial.

then, there was clickteam...

Craity and Eribetra migrated to Clickteam a couple years after starting their Scratch accounts. Craity is still programming on the engine to this day, while Eribetra has taken inconsistent breaks from using it.

I remained on Scratch for a while, making the occasional game every once in a while until one day I just quit. My renunciation was due to me focusing on art and filmaking, as over the years I had begun to seriously hone in on my digital art skills.

and finally, there's now.

Nowadays, most of our games are being programmed in Godot, as our previous venture into Clickteam development didn't end very well.

We're at a pretty good point in our art and game development careers where we can be confident and proud of our current skill sets. Our strategy for now will be to work on one decently large game, releasing devlogs often, while programming smaller ones on the side for fun. This ensures that we don't go insane making stupid games.

 we have tons of good stuff in the backburner, stay tuned 

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